Birth Doula Packages
All you need
For first time parents, VBAC or Hospital Births
Doula and Lactation Support
Your 3 in ONE package. This package includes: The education during pregnancy to be able to plan for birth and postpartum. Education and guidance to feed your new-born baby and your fearless advocate during labor and birth. Also, postpartum support, in person or text/call.
Birth class
2 prenatal visits (one for birth plan, and the other one for breastfeeding, flange sizing, pumping education etc.)
1 postpartum visit
Labor, birth and new born plan
Breastfeeding plan/ education and support for first month via text/call
24/7 text and call support.
On call 2 weeks before and after EDD
Unlimited support during labor and birth. 1-2 hrs after birth.
Been there, done that.
For parents with previous natural birth and Birth CenterÂ
This is NOT your first rodeo, you've experienced birth and parenthood before and you've done the homework, you took the birth class and now, you would like for things to go different or better! This package offers the support and resources you need for a great birth experience. It also includes your advocate during labor and birth to make sure your preferences are honored and respected, and your guidance to navigate the postpartum period including breastfeeding!
2 prenatal visits
1 postpartum visit
Labor, birth and new born plan
Lactation education and plan.
24/7 text and call support.
On call 2 weeks before and after EDD
Support during labor and birth. 1-2 hrs after birth.
2 weeks of breastfeeding support via text/call
Only for repeat clients or referred clients
Only recommended for repeat clients or parents with previous 'out of hospital births' and low-risk.
1 prenatal visit
1 postpartum visit
Labor, birth and new born plan
On call 2 weeks before and after EDD
Support during labor and birth. Postpartum support as needed.
Assistance with first feed
Breastfeeding class $125
Lactation visit $100.
Postpartum visit $100, 3 hrs of postpartum support, help with the baby, house chores, siblings etc!
Placenta Encapsulation (TCM) $ 200.00
Placenta keepsakes (print and cord) $50.00 (Regular price $100.00)
50% deposit required to book services  and the rest before 35 weeks.